How To Download Torrent With Qbittorrent

Dec 3, 2018 - Contribute to qbittorrent/qBittorrent development by creating an. I configured qBittorrent to not download some files in a torrent but they still.

  1. Qbittorrent Tutorial
  2. How To Install Qbittorrent
  3. Pirate Bay
  4. How To Download Torrent With Qbittorrent Windows 7
  5. How To Download Torrent Limewire
  • How can I reset the settings to default values?
  • The network needs to know the same IP to download torrents via qBittorrent. If it is changed, it is lost by qBittorrent. You know that PIA VPN changes your IP in a random way and qBittorrent is able to reveal it. Try these tips: Exit qBittorrent and only then your VPN app. When you want to torrent again, activate the VPN and after it – your.
  • QBittorrent vs uTorrent: the better torrent client is After taking a close look at the different qualities of the two programs, we can see some obvious differences in some of the categories: ease of download: uTorrent wins due to their spiffy website design.

What are the terms of use for qBittorrent?

qBittorrent is Free Software (more than just freeware! Free as in Freedom) released under the GNU GPLv2 license.
You don't have to pay for it and this won't change. Its code is open and available to everyone and reusable under certain conditions (see the license text for more information).


qBittorrent –of course– does not contain any malware, spyware, advertisements or undesired third-party programs.

I found a bug in the software, where can I report it?

The qBittorrent issue tracker is located right here, on the top bar of this page.
Please do not hesitate to report any problem you may experience with qBittorrent. We will do our best to address it.

There is a feature I would like to see in qBittorrent, where can I make a request?

On our issue tracker here.
All ideas and feedback are welcome.
Just know that we want qBittorrent to remain low-footprint software and that we do not want to integrate heavy features that are not really useful to most people.

Why can't I set a priority on completed files or folders?

The simple answer is that 'priority' has no significance for payloads, or part thereof that are completed.
'Priority' is there to arrange in numerical order the requests for pieces that your client makes to other peer nodes in the swarm for pieces that are still required by your client to complete the selected payload. It has no relevance to other peers as it is purely a 'local' setting.
Because of this it is excluded from the context menu that is accessed via a 'right click' or 'menu' button on a keyboard.

will private torrent be affected by DHT and PeX in qBittorrent? #9379

You can enable all 3 of those options and your private torrents will stay private. You can verify this by viewing the trackers tab on a private torrent and the status for DHT/PEX/LSD will be 'Disabled' and the message column will say 'This torrent is private'.

Qbittorrent Tutorial

I wrote a patch for qBittorrent, to whom can I send it?

You can either fork our GitHub repository and make a pull request (highly recommended) or send patches to the following address: sledgehammer999(at)qbittorrent(dot)org.
We will review them promptly.

Who is developing qBittorrent?

qBittorrent was created in March 2006 by and was actively maintained/developed by him until July 2013.
After that is maintaining the project.
Several other people (Arnaud Demaiziere, Ishan Arora, Stephanos Antaris, Mohammad Dib, Gelmir (Dayman)) have contributed or are still contributing to the project.
If you like the software and you would like to help the project to subsist by giving some money, please do so here.
We thank you in advance.

Which operating systems are currently supported by qBittorrent?

qBittorrent code compiles on Unix-like systems (GNU/Linux, BSD, OS X, ...) and Windows.
Windows is officially supported as of qBittorrent 2.2.9.

Is qBittorrent available on my GNU/Linux distribution?

qBittorrent is included in the official repositories of several major GNU/Linux distributions (Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Fedora, Debian, Gentoo, Arch Linux, …).
Binary distributions are usually available to the other distros through 3rd party repositories.
If not, please file a request at your GNU/Linux distribution's issue tracker.

Is it legal to use qBittorrent?

qBittorrent is a peer to peer (P2P) file sharing software.
Although the software is perfectly legal, it may be illegal to download restricted content with this software, depending on the law in your country.

Why use qBittorrent instead of another client?

A lot of other BitTorrent clients exist but qBittorrent has several advantages:

  • It is Open-source/Free/Libre Software (you can see the code and see what qBittorrent is doing).
  • It is the closest open-source equivalent to the extremely popular (and Windows only) BitTorrent client: µTorrent.
  • Its development team is very active and friendly.
  • It is stable and it has a low footprint (generally, 20-60 MiB of RAM used), whilst providing all the features you may need.
  • It uses the high-tech libtorrent-rasterbar library, which means greater download and upload speed as well as excellent support of the latest features of the BitTorrent protocol.
  • It is easy to use and all of its features are well documented.
  • It is an international program, supporting Unicode and containing translations into more than 70 languages.

My menu icons in qBittorrent are gone, why?

You are probably using GNOME ≥ 2.28. By default, this window manager is no longer displaying menu icons.
You can change this behavior by issuing the following two commands in a terminal:

Why the name qBittorrent?

Well, actually I lacked inspiration on this one. :p
qBittorrent is simply a BitTorrent client written using the Qt Framework for its user interface.
Most programs developed with Qt toolkit use a 'q' as the first letter of their name.
The qBT abbreviation is also commonly used to refer to the qBittorrent client. However, please do not use the abbreviation qtorrent since another BitTorrent client with this name already exists.

Where does qBittorrent save its settings?


  • preferences:
    • %APPDATA%qBittorrent = C:Users<username>AppDataRoamingqBittorrent
  • .torrent files:
    • %LOCALAPPDATA%qBittorrent = C:Users<username>AppDataLocalqBittorrent
  • preferences:
    • ~/.config/qBittorrent/
  • .torrent files (This is the standard XDG data folder):
    • ~/.local/share/data/qBittorrent/
  • preferences:
    • ~/.config/qBittorrent/
  • .torrent files:
    • ~/Library/Application Support/qBittorrent

How can I reset the settings to default values?

  • Remove all files in the preferences folder.

Before qBittorrent v3.3.6 on MacOS

You need to delete the qBittorrent .plist files from ~/Library/Preferences:

  • ~/Library/Preferences/org.qbittorrent.*
  • ~/Library/Preferences/com.qbittorrent.*
And then do the following to reset the plist cache:

Where yourname is your OS X user name.

I configured qBittorrent to not download some files in a torrent but they still appear on my hard disk, why is that?

How To Install Qbittorrent

As you may know, a torrent is split into pieces of equal size that do not take files into consideration.
As a consequence, a piece can contain information relative to more than one file and qBittorrent only operates at piece level.
Because of this, if two files are adjacent and you choose to download only one of them, it is likely that the filtered one will be partially downloaded and thus appear on the hard-disk.

Only one tracker is working. The others aren't contacted yet

Tick Tools → Options... → Advanced → Always announce to all trackers.

Seeding torrents have no priority (i.e. queue position), why?

qBittorrent is handling torrent seeding priority by itself in order to optimize sharing and benefit to the swarm as much as possible.

What do the different colors mean?

qBittorrent uses 2 sets of colors depending if you're using a dark theme or not.
Here is the list (github doesn't allow changing the text color):

Light theme:

  • Forest Green (rgb(34, 139, 34)) for torrents in downloading, forced downloading or downloading metadata status
  • Black for torrents in allocating or stalled(up and down) status
  • Royal Blue (rgb(65, 105, 225)) for torrents in uploading or forced uploading status
  • Salmon (rgb(250, 128, 114)) for torrents in paused(downloading) status
  • Dark Blue (rgb(0, 0, 139)) for torrents in completed (paused seeding) status
  • Red (rgb(255, 0, 0)) for torrents in error or missing files status
  • Teal (rgb(0, 128, 128)) for torrents in queued, checking, queued for checking or checking resume data status

Pirate Bay

Dark theme:
  • Lime Green (rgb(50, 205, 50)) for torrents in downloading, forced downloading or downloading metadata status
  • Gray 80 (rgb(204, 204, 204)) for torrents in allocating or stalled(up and down) status
  • Steel Blue 1 (rgb(99, 184, 255)) for torrents in uploading or forced uploading status
  • Salmon (rgb(250, 128, 114)) for torrents in paused(downloading) status
  • Steel Blue 3 (rgb(79, 148, 205)) for torrents in completed (paused seeding) status
  • Red (rgb(255, 0, 0)) for torrents in error or missing files status
  • Cyan 3 (rgb(0, 205, 205)) for torrents in queued, checking, queued for checking or checking resume data status
Older versions:Torrent download
  • Grey color means inactive (include download, upload and check)
  • Green color means active download
  • Orange color means active upload
  • Red color means paused or error.

How do I import my torrents from another BitTorrent client?

Most users want to keep the torrents they are downloading or seeding when switching to qBittorrent from another BitTorrent client. This is of course possible and it is quite simple to achieve.
Here is how you should proceed:

  • Add the *.torrent files corresponding to your torrents to qBittorrent
    • Deluge stores its *.torrent files in ~/.config/deluge/
    • KTorrent stores its *.torrent files in ~/.kde4/share/apps/ktorrent/
    • Vuze stores its *.torrent files in ~/.azureus/torrents/
    • Transmission stores its *.torrent files in ~/.config/transmission/torrents/
    • rTorrent stores its *.torrent files in ~/.session/ (as a default)
  • Edit the download path in the torrent addition dialog and choose the path where the original torrents were being downloaded/seeded.
  • For the torrents that are complete, you can select the Skip file checking and start seeding immediately option in the torrent addition dialog in order to save time and CPU. Basically, qBittorrent will trust that the local files are not corrupt and will start seeding them without rechecking all the files.

What does the settings in the Options → Advanced menu do?

We have written a full explanation describing the advanced options in the guide here.

Can I run qBittorrent on a remote computer? Without X server?

Yes and Yes!
qBittorrent can be run on your server and controlled remotely through its WebUI. As a default, the WebUI is running on http://server-ip:8080 (user: admin, password: adminadmin).

There is a guide for Ubuntu Server install here.
For other distributions, if your server does not have X server running, then you will need to disable the qBittorrent graphical user interface at compilation time (≥ v2.1.0 only).
Pass --disable-gui parameter to the configure file before compilation to disable the GUI.
Instructions on disabling the qBittorrent GUI is available here.

I am locked out of the WebUI and running qbittorrent-nox, how can I reset the password?

Provided you have at least shell access you can follow the instructions on this page.

Is there a Firefox or Chrome/Chromium addon that can help me send torrents to qBittorrent?

Yes, there is a great Firefox add-on called Bit Torrent WebUI+ that can send torrent and magnet links directly to the qBT Web UI server when clicked.
This add-on works with many popular WebUI clients including qBittorrent.

And yes, there is a Chrome/Chromium extension that works great with qBittorrent : Remote Torrent Adder

My favorite RSS feed requires cookies, how can I configure qBittorrent to use them?

Support for cookies in RSS feeds was added in qBittorrent 2.3.0.

To use feeds that require cookies, you must find the cookie for the site, and extract the UID and pass parameters from it.

  • Firefox users will find their cookies in Tools → Options → Privacy → Show Cookies
  • Opera users will find their cookies in Tools → Advanced → Cookies
  • Internet Explorer users will find their cookies in %USERPROFILE%Cookies
  • Users of other browsers will have to consult their browsers documentation.

How To Download Torrent With Qbittorrent Windows 7

Once you have the appropriate information, right click on the RSS feed in qBittorrent and select 'Manage cookies'. Then define the same key/values found in your Web browser cookies.

How To Download Torrent Limewire

For example:

Not every site uses UID and pass as the cookie variable names and they may include additional variables.You MUST use the exact variable name and the extra variables they specify. For example, a certain site may use id, password, and secure as its cookie variables.

What is qBittorrent Peer ID?

Each BitTorrent client is identified by a string called Peer ID.
This ID is sometimes used by trackers to whitelist only a limited amount of trusted clients.
The size of the Peer ID field is 20 bytes.

qBittorrent Peer ID is formatted as follows: -qBXYZ0-<12 random bytes>

  • X is the major version number
  • Y is the minor version number
  • Z is the bugfix version number (in hexadecimal so that we can go up to 15)
For example, we would have the following Peer IDs for these versions:
  • qBittorrent v2.4.10: -qB24A0-<12 random bytes>
  • qBittorrent v3.0.2: -qB3020-<12 random bytes>

How do I do IP Filtering (eMule and PeerGuardian compatible) in qbittorrent in GNU/Linux?

In most GNU/Linux distributions, you can go to Tools → Options → Connection then click on IP Filtering.

As far as adding the ipfilter file is concerned, see for a potential way.

Restoring qBittorrent from tray when using Openbox

When restoring qBittorrent from the tray in an Openbox desktop environment, it doesn't restore the window's initial geometry, so add this to the end of ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml:

This is if you desire to have qBittorrent to be maximized on the whole screen.
If you want to have the window restored to a specific size, obapps can be used.
You can copy the class and name from the above XML code and set it according to how you like it.
obapps can be launched from the terminal.

Where are the qBittorrent tutorials?

How To Download Torrent With Qbittorrent

A Dutch step by step tutorial can be found here.

What do all those flags in the Flags column mean?

See this page for definitions of BitTorrent terms.


by Martin Brinkmann on November 19, 2018 in Internet - Last Update: November 19, 2018 - 15 comments

Did you know that the popular cross-platform torrent client qBittorrent has torrent search functionality baked directly into the client?

Torrent users have plenty of options when it comes to finding torrent files: from using torrent search engines and general search engines to public or private forums, trackers, or specialized torrent search software.

The torrent client qBittorrent supports searching for torrents straight from the client's interface; no plugins or extra software needed to do so.

The following guide instructs you how to run searches using the client, and what you may and may not use search for.

Probably the biggest advantage of using an in-built search option is that you can do the searching and downloading using a single program.

The search functionality is somewhat hidden in qBittorrent on the other hand.

To get started, select View > Search Engine; this unlocks the search tab that you may switch to. The interface is straightforward and easy to use.

Start by typing a search term in the search field at the top. You can hit search right away or use the provided filters to filter results right away.

The two main options that qBittorrent's search provides are to limit results to a specific category, e.g. TV shows, software, or movies, and to select the torrent search engines that you want searched.

The default selection includes The Pirate Bay, ExtraTorrent, Demonoid, Legit Torrents and Kickass Torrents. You can block results from any site and install new search plugins for sites that are not supported by default.

Installation of plugins

Go to the unofficial list of search plugins for qBittorent to find out if your favorite torrent search engines or sites are supported. The download link displays a Python file with the .py extension in the browser. Just save it to the local system and select the menu next to 'Only enabled' on the Search tab, and in the context menu that opens 'select'.

Doing so lists all supported search plugins. Click on 'install a new one' and select the downloaded file to install it as a new search plugin in qBittorrent.

Note that you can enable or disable plugins by right-clicking on them and selecting the 'enabled' option which toggles the status.

Search results in qBittorrent

It takes only a brief moment before results start to show up on the same page. You can run multiple searches one after the other; each search is loaded in its own tab so that you don't lose previous search results when you do.

There is a handy option to search in the results only, and several filtering options as well. A click on a table header sorts the data accordingly, e.g. by size, seeders, or name.

You can filter by the number of seeds or by size. Once you found a promising result you select it to hit the download button right away or click on the 'go to' links to open the torrent file on the linked site.

The download button initiates the default torrent add dialog to add the torrent to qBittorrent to start downloading it.

Closing words

Torrent search functionality that is baked into the torrent client is quite the handy function. While it is limited to sites that plugins are available for, it may speed up searches for users who use qBittorrent as their main torrent client.

Now You: do you use torrents?

Searching for torrents from within qBittorrent
Did you know that the popular cross-platform torrent client qBittorrent has torrent search functionality baked directly into the client?
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